Chapter 37
Christmas Letter 2020

Holiday greetings to one and all! We hope you have survived 2020 with a minimum of stress and inconvenience. We pray for all who have lost loved ones or are not well themselves. If you are struggling financially, we pray for you also. We pray that everyone respects and loves each other and those who do not share our own particular views.
According to many sources (metaphysical. historical, and economic), we are going through a time of change and renewal. Accordingly, there is conflict as old ways are phased out and new ways are phased in. Like blowing up a balloon, increasing income inequality cannot go on forever. There are many of us who are doing well with the way things are, but there are many who are not. Society must provide equal income opportunity, housing, and education for all its citizens or there will be a day of reckoning. Maybe it’s here now?
We don’t have much news to report. We stayed home most of the time. I help clear trail with the Nantahala Hiking Club once a week, and go to Wayfarers Unity Chapel on Sundays. Karen sewed @ 500 masks to donate before arthritis told her that was enough. We are still working on our garage, installing windows. Sister Rosemary and daughter Chris and her husband Richard come to visit once in a while. Betsy, Brooke, Jake and Reed (Christmas picture) came down from Sky Valley to spend an afternoon. We have a new batch of Golden Comet chickens from Tractor Supply who supply us with four eggs a day, like clockwork.
Despite all the trash talk, I’m still on Facebook several times a week. I continue working on my autobiography at My views on our economic system are in Chapter 30, if you are interested.

Blessings and Light
David and Karen



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